Mother Mary

Message 105

Image: The Holy Grail, Autumn Skye Art

Friday, January 29, 2021   8:03 am

Dear Brethren,

It is I, Mother Mary. I want to take this time today to elaborate on my message from yesterday. Jesus’ teachings have focused on your true identity. I added another layer. 

You are the holy spirit, the elevated self of form, a mature soul. Through union, this has a new meaning. Because you are this, then now you function differently in form because you literally are the body of God, doing God’s work in your area of the world.

Identity is one thing. Function is another. Responding to calls for love means that God is responding to calls for love. It does not mean that this separate entity is doing something on behalf of God. No, it is God doing the responsive action.

We will explore this topic much more in upcoming messages. As you go about your day, try to remember that you, my loves, are aspects of God, not separate contract employees.

I know it is hard but we will get there.

Love and blessings,
“Professor” (smile) Mother Mary

End Time: 8:18 am