Mother Mary

Message 108

Image: The Holy Grail, Autumn Skye Art

Sunday, January 31, 2021   7:55 am

Good Morning children of God. It is I, Mother Mary. Following up on last night’s message from Jesus, God is always extending herself, turning things that aren’t God yet into God. 

We all started out as tiny soul seedlings and became full fledged contributing members of God’s team over a long period of time. God is very much a collective, a family. It is a topic that is too vast to even grasp intellectually.

We just want you to know that you have a function as part of God. The switch has been turned on and you have a role to play. You are connected to all of the other aspects of God but will never know or build relationship with most of the other organs.

God’s heart works on behalf of God’s muscles but may never know all of the intricacies involved in the muscles. It just trusts that the muscles and all aspects of God are being richly provided for with a stellar and well circulating heart.

Together, our souls form the body of God. We don’t have to worry about a thing. Our souls are informed when our services are required.

So, God doesn’t have a bunch of souls running around. God is the collective of souls and each soul has a part in the function of the whole. Your part is different from my part but not less than and my part is not greater than. All parts are magnificently important.

Love and blessings on this Sabbath Day,
Mother Mary, your sister in Christ

End Time: 8:13 am