Mother Mary

Message 147

Image: The Holy Grail, Autumn Skye Art

Saturday, February 27, 2021   8:24 am

Come. Let me show you some of the places I frequent in the world. In addition to being in places where healing is needed, I also balance that out by going to places where it is not needed. I have a special place in my heart for children. I love to watch them play and be free, especially after a demanding day of school.

I go to orphanages in war torn areas. We comfort scared children who have suddenly found themselves alone in the world. Something as grave as this is a recipe for bitterness, which can make soul development quite hard.

Praying is a socially acceptable act, especially in religious areas of the world. We encourage children to develop relationships with us in the unseen world. If they pray with their eyes closed, the adults won’t think they are crazy. Whereas, if they talk to us openly, those in charge may think that they have imaginary friends or worse yet, are mentally ill.

In our line of work, we have to be aware of the social environment because we take the needs of all souls into consideration. We may be focusing on comforting a small child who just lost his parents, but we are also aware of the level of fear in the adults who are in charge, so it is a careful dance. It is never boring. I am so blessed to be in love and to be in service to my brothers and sisters in the world.

We will continue our journey into my world tomorrow.

Many blessings dear ones!

Mother Mary

End Time: 8:44 am