Mother Mary

Message 149

Image: The Holy Grail, Autumn Skye Art

Sunday, February 28, 2021   6:27 am

Believe me when I say how happy I am that each of you have rejoined love and have returned to me. You are each my right hand man or woman on the earth. I can depend on you to do your part in our joint mission. Together, we have accomplished much. Imagine what we can do together in the days to come.

Let’s carry on our journey during this day of rest. Nothing too strenuous. Let the Christ Mind take us to one of my favorite places to spend the Sabbath. This is a simple flower shop. Nothing reminds me more of God’s love than a flower.

What a magnificent artist God is as to create such a thing of beauty! There are so many different shapes, colors and styles. There really are no two that are exactly alike, even in the same variety. I love the smell of a red rose. I remember it well.

The next time you walk by a flower shop or even a garden of cultivated or wild flowers, stop by and enjoy God’s handiwork. It’s a good reminder about the beauty within us all.

Until tomorrow,
Love, Mother Mary

End Time: 6:43 am