Mother Mary

Message 151

Image: The Holy Grail, Autumn Skye Art

Monday, March 1, 2021   8:49 am

Today, let’s shift the focus from places and others. Let’s take a look in the mirror and see what is reflected back to us. We see someone who is a little bit of everything, really. You are in everything and everything is in you.

How are you feeling today? Are you troubled about something or are you free from worries? Can you smile freely or would a smile be forced? Is anything from the past bothering you today? If so, you are like an orphan from a war torn part of the world. We’ve all felt lonely and afraid, many times before.

Stay on top of your feelings and ask us for help to release old misunderstandings. This is how to look in the mirror and have the reflection reflect someone who is free enough to enjoy looking at beautiful flowers in a flower shop, as we did yesterday.

We are with you always, my loves.

Mother Mary

End Time: 9:05 am