Mother Mary

Message 153

Image: The Holy Grail, Autumn Skye Art

Tuesday, March 2, 2021   9:12 am

Let’s go to a special place on this last day of our travels together. This is a forest in southern France. I have an affinity for it. I like to see what animals I can find and what beautiful plants I can discover.

This is where I can be reminded of the harmony that exists in God’s creations. It inspires me to keep up my diligent work towards harmony in the human world. I know that we will be successful one day in having the same spirit of cooperation in the human world that exists in the natural kingdom.

Wherever you may be in the world, please start a new practice or continue a long standing practice of being in natural environments. You can walk, ride or just sit on a bench or an old tree stump.

Clear your mind, breathe the fresh air and remember your true identity.

With great love,
Mother Mary

End Time: 9:27 am