Mother Mary

Message 217

Image: The Holy Grail, Autumn Skye Art

Monday, March 29, 2021   7:58 am

Hello my darlings. It is I, Mother Mary. I frequently try to sweeten the pot with my messages but I really can’t this time. People have always had conflict with each other, wars, both physical and ideological. This isn’t new. This is the same old same old on a different day and time.

There is something new now but no one knows what it is. No one will even dare to guess that the Second Coming has arrived and that Christ has set up shop, lots of them, all over the world. It is just too outlandish to even think about.

So, here we are. We are reclaiming and redefining everything. God is claiming what is God’s to claim, which is everything my loves, everything.

Until tomorrow.

Mother Mary

End Time: 8:07 am