Archangel Michael

Message 266

Image: Fr. John Giuliani, Prairie Edge

Friday, April 9, 2021   7:34 am

We must reach even those who simply couldn’t care less. It is our mission to announce the arrival of Christ to everyone with ears to hear and eyes to see and this is what we shall do.

The Christ Organization will go first and other groups will follow suit. All flavors of Christ will be revealed. Everyone will be shown the truth about their identity. They can still choose to ignore us but they can’t say they didn’t know.

No one will be punished for not transforming but they will not be permitted to reincarnate here. They will have to develop their skills elsewhere. Gaia herself is transforming and will only support beings who support her transformation and their own.

This is a blessed time to be on the sacred earth/Gaia.

Bless you each for your dedication and willingness.

Archangel Michael 

End Time: 7:45 am