Mother Mary

Message 89

Image: The Holy Grail, Autumn Skye Art

Wednesday, January 13, 2021   8:17 am

Dear Brethren,

It is I, Mother Mary. Let us rid ourselves of worry today. Let it be known that it will no longer be welcome in our lives. Instead of worrying if that bill will be paid, trust that it will. Instead of worrying about that relationship that has seen its fair share of bumps in the road, trust that the relationship will be healed, in its own way and within its own time frame. 

Instead of worrying about all of the myriad of “what if’s” in life on earth, trust that what is needed will always show up in just the perfect way.

Please refrain from judging what shows up. Accept it as it is. Welcome it. Embrace it, even if it isn’t what you ordered. We don’t really control how life goes, or God’s will, even if we think that we do. The human mind can trick us in this way.

Our job is to be in sync with life and to be party to its wonderful benevolence.

God’s Speed.

Love, Mother Mary, your sister in Christ.

End Time: 8:30 am