Cadre of Souls

Message 11

Image: Light Work, Autumn Skye Art

Saturday, October 31, 2020   3:09 pm

Dear Brethren,

This is the last message for today. We don’t want to inundate you, but get you used to an aspect of union instead, namely receiving and processing communication that originates from the unseen realm. There is a method to our madness.

Receiving intelligence from us in the form of communication is the final step in feeling like you are one of us. Instead of a human sending you a text message, you are receiving messages from your unseen friends and family, of which you are a part. This seems unreal to most but will become something that you will see more and more as “normal”. It is normal for the state you each live in, the elevated self of form, a free spirit or mature soul with a human identity.

Until tomorrow!

Cadre of Souls

End time: 3:20 pm