
Message 111

Image: Jeff Jacobs, Pixabay

Monday, February 1, 2021   8:45 am

Good Morning, everyone. It is I, the one known as Jesus. You may have heard of the term, “body of Christ” before. This term has two meanings. The primary meaning refers to each of your bodies. Your body serves you as a mature soul, therefore it is the body of Christ.

Your body serves you as soul and you as soul serve all seen and unseen souls. Therefore your body is part of a much larger body or collection of souls. This is the second meaning of “body of Christ”.

Christ means God in form. Christ is in everyone but Christ is not yet functional in everyone. Everyone who is reading this message is a fully functioning soul or Christ. They mean the same.

Today, I have an assignment for each of you. Practice remembering that your body is home to God and that you are part of God. You are connected to all of the amazing array of God.

The collective body of Christ is growing with each passing day. We thank you for your dedication. Don’t forget your homework!

Love and blessings,
Jesus, your brother in Christ

End Time: 9:02 am