Sunday, September 19, 2021 6:56 am
Greetings on this fine day, one of communion with each other and with our Self, as there really is only One of us. The Oneself can stretch in an infinite number of directions and have an infinite number of experiences and expressions, but at the end of the day as we close the doors to our separate homes, we realize that all of the separateness is only cosmetic. There is only God and we are each one an expression of God, as is everyone and everything.
It is with this thought that I close our Sunday Celebration for today. We will formally reconvene next week but you can each commune with me at any time of the day or night. I Am part of you and you my friends, are part of me. We are one and the same.
In Oneness,
Supplemental Reading
End Time: 7:08 am