Mother Mary

Message 118

Image: The Holy Grail, Autumn Skye Art

Thursday, February 4, 2021   9:27 am

Good Morning, my dear ones. It is I, Mother Mary. Helen just spoke to you about union and relationship and how the new relationship between the seen and unseen realms is strengthening.

God is able to reach more hearts and minds through a strong network of servants. It is like a steel web. This fledgling relationship between realms is required to support the earth’s further development, as well as the development of all beings who live on the earth or Gaia.

We are doing this in plain sight, but you won’t find us on the news channels. Most are more interested in the scandal of the day than what we are accomplishing.

Thank you for reading these messages and for being a part of the love tsunami.

Love and peace,
Mother Mary, your sister in Christ

End Time: 9:39 am