
Message 164

Image: Jeff Jacobs, Pixabay

Tuesday, March 9, 2021   8:49 am

Greetings! It is I, the one known as Jesus Christ. Mother Mary and I were the first to fully embody Christ or more accurately, Christ fully embodied our forms, our mind/body vehicles. The stage was set and the misunderstandings began.

We were the first humans to allow the transformation of Christ taking over our forms, but I was not the one and only Christ. We were both the first but not the only ones, as Christ has been in everyone throughout history and is in everyone today.

Christ means God in man. My work has been to sew seeds about this knowledge, starting in 1976 when A Course in Miracles was released to the public. I used the term ‘Holy Spirit’ in that book. I used the term ‘Elevated Self of Form’ in A Course of Love. I used the term ‘Mature Soul’ in A Journey into the Unknown. The idea was that this isn’t something that you have or something that only I am, as Jesus, but is something that you are, that we all are.

To follow me means to follow in my footsteps and allow the transformation to happen to you. It is not about believing in something or believing in my specialness. We are all special. We are each an aspect of God.

The plan has always been for Christ to become not only you, but everyone, and now it is happening. We have a solid group of fully embodied Christ Selves across the globe. You are each a Jesus, Mary or combination of both, in your neck of the woods. Now, we are in position to influence life here like never before. One Christ will not cut it. We need wave after wave after wave to make our mark.

With all that has gone into our plan thus far, we are really at the beginning. Everything from the past 45 years has been prep work. There will be a rapid acceleration now that the stage is set for this new phase.

I salute you fellow Christs.

In love and power,

End Time: 9:12 am