
Message 166

Image: Jeff Jacobs, Pixabay

Thursday, March 11, 2021   6:29 am

Greetings! It is I, the one known as Jesus. What’s next for the Christ Selves? We seek to increase our numbers. The bigger we are collectively, the more influential we will become. 

The resources are all there and they have been proven to work at changing identity from person to spiritual person to Christ. Notice that ‘spiritual person’ is in the middle of the chain of development. It is an important step in the progression, so don’t knock it. Spiritual people are wonderful. They are almost there.

We will be unveiling a new project, a service project, for all of the Christ Selves to engage in, if they choose to do so. More information about this will be revealed in the weeks and months to come.

In the meantime, be bold in your knowing and in your power. Be a force for good in the world and make your mark. No two of you are alike. Being Christ is such an individualized expression and experience. To quote one of your popular TV personalities: “It’s a good thing.”

My biggest advice to each of you is to trust. When things look like they are falling apart, know that they need to do that to reveal something better that will take their place. There’s no room for fear in the role of Christ.

My next set of messages will be to reassure you from someone who has been there. Being Christ tends to attract some negative attention and circumstances, so this will be my next talking point.

Bless you each for your service.


End Time: 6:52 am