
Message 207

Image: Jeff Jacobs, Pixabay

Saturday, March 27, 2021   8:30 am

Greetings everyone. It is I, the one known as Jesus. When you are Christ, everything is a blessing, everything is a gift. Everything leads to, drum roll please…being God in form.

Each and every dark path, selfish adventure and tragic occurrence all lead to the Christ realization eventually. There’s no use in fighting it or pretending that it isn’t real or thinking that I was the only one who could do it or who had to do it. No, all of this is quite pointless.

You are who you are. You are Christ and Christ is you. The days of wandering through the forest to find yourself are over. You had to lose yourself to find your Self.

Now that God is here on the earth, God seeks to influence events and decisions on the earth. God has already done that with your mind/body vehicles. That’s what becoming Christ is all about. Now, God seeks a sphere of influence past your mind/body vehicles. Yes, God seeks world domination. Love wants to rule the earth. These will be our next talking points.

Love is influential.


End Time: 8:47 am