
Message 210

Image: Jeff Jacobs, Pixabay

Sunday, March 28, 2021   7:35 am

Good day to you each. It is I, the one known as Jesus. Being influential is probably the easiest part of being Christ because you do it naturally. You don’t even realize you’re doing it. Your message of ‘I Am here’ is being broadcast and received by nearby souls. You don’t have to say or do anything. Others know on some level and most of these will treat this knowing with suspicion.

Remember from A Course in Miracles that egos fluctuate between suspicion and viciousness. They hide this with a smile and a nod but it’s there. It’s really what they are thinking.

Long story short, people will be suspicious of you and will not have any idea why. This is okay in the short term. Their souls are being woken up and that’s a testament to your presence.

Now, not everyone will keep you at arm’s length. Some will have already started the awakening process and will be thirsty for more. These are opportunities for you to do more than just be presence, if this appeals to you. Presence can simply involve referring someone to a sister or brother in Christ, but the Jesus’ and Marys among you will use these cases as teaching opportunities.

I mentioned viciousness earlier. You will, unfortunately, encounter this from time to time, as I certainly did. I’m not trying to scare you. I just want you to be aware that our message in this upside down carnival world is going to be considered blasphemous by many. It’s strange to say that love, forgiveness and peace will be perceived this way but they will. Some of the details of the truth will make it even harder to swallow.

As I said in A Journey into the Unknown, develop a thick skin and see suspicion and viciousness for what they are, which are fearful reactions. On the soul level, everyone will be grateful for you each because you represent freedom from the cages that enslave them.

Love, the one who knows,

End Time: 8:00 am