
Message 239

Image: Jeff Jacobs, Pixabay

Thursday, April 1, 2021   6:30 am

It is a blessed day indeed. It is I, the one known as Jesus. You, as an office of Christ, would be a penthouse version in that Christ is always cream of the crop. You are each a model of the possibilities that freedom brings. You are like the prettiest girl in school who never has a date but is secretly admired from afar. You are a model without all of the expensive clothes. You are plain and simple in one regard and mystical and alluring in another.

Christ is mysterious. Christ really cannot be defined. It can manifest in so many individualized ways, an unlimited amount of them.

Enjoy being Christ. No two days will be exactly alike from here on out. Appreciate being Christ. You may wish you knew about this a long time ago. It really is such a gift. It is a gift of a lifetime and all we want to do is model it or better said, allow it to model itself through us.

We aren’t here to convert anyone or change their minds about anything. We are just here to show something, to demonstrate something, to model it. Leave the details to Christ please.

Love and blessings,

End Time: 6:48 am