
Message 243

Image: Foundation for Inner Peace

Thursday, April 1, 2021   6:38 pm

Christ transformation is my topic, my friends. This is Bill. People got to be pretty adept at Christ awareness and a practical Christ consciousness over the past 45 years. Now we are doing something new, which is Christ transformation.

What we are doing with our messaging is to find ways to support each of you with this. It is the most difficult transition because it’s a complete transition.

This is why we are giving so many analogies to help each of you to get a good grasp on what this is and what it means for you. We feel like our strategies have been most successful, which is why the Arcturian Council wanted to come and learn more.

We are a hot topic in the intergalactic community because the difficulty level is high. All form is transforming and everyone is looking at what we’re doing so they can come up with ways to support those in their realities.

All eyes are on us. They are saying, ‘how did they do that?’ (smile)

Love and support,

End Time: 6:52 pm