
Message 244

Image: Jeff Jacobs, Pixabay

Friday, April 2, 2021   6:34 am

It is a blessed day, indeed. It is I, the one known as Jesus. Let’s review some of our recent talking points.

We have talked about your energy levels and the power that each of you have. We have talked about external resistance and the forms that may take. We have talked about people not liking you. We have talked about Christ transformation and how it differs from Christ awareness and Christ consciousness.

We have talked about how Christ works and that Christ is in control. It uses the body/mind vehicle and the body/mind vehicle does not use it. 9 out of 10 times, Christ just is. It does not choose to speak or do through the body, except in the minority of the time.

Finally, we talked about the mystery of Christ and how you will never know exactly what it is doing but you can trust that it is in full operation, giving love to love.

All good teachers give a review session before exams. (smile)

It is my greatest pleasure to teach the hardest class and you are all passing with flying colors!

With the greatest love,

End Time: 6:49 am