
Message 254

Image: Jeff Jacobs, Pixabay

Sunday, April 4, 2021   6:45 am

Greetings on this holy day of Easter. This is another day in the world that is filled with both great meaning and grave misunderstanding. First, let’s focus on what is. 

Easter celebrates renewal and resurrection from the old, from the ways that were. It represents freedom from the past, freedom from everything that binds us and restricts us. Easter is a day like Christmas that can truly be celebrated every moment of every day. Easter begs us to let the pain of the past stay in past and not bind us or identify us in any way, shape or form. Easter represents rebirth and freedom.

I demonstrated freedom and the continuation of my life following the crucifixion, but Easter is not just one man’s story. It is not just my story. It is everyone’s story and this is something that the world has misunderstood. Easter has as much to do with each one of you reading this as it had to do with me.

Easter truly represents the end of crucifixion, the end of bringing the past into the present. The resurrection represents the potential for Christ awareness, consciousness and transformation in each and every one who walks the earth.

The joy of Easter is that its messages and gifts are available to all who ask for them, at any time of the year. Apply the meaning of Easter to your own life. The gifts of Christmas and Easter are for all. They are the gifts of birth and rebirth.

It has been my pleasure to bring you this message on this holy and solemn day. Happy Easter, everyone.


End Time: 7:10 am