The Director

Message 264

Image: The Light is Coming for Everyone, Analia Baquela

Friday, April 9, 2021   6:58 am

Now I have provided an overview about the Christ Organization’s impact on the world. There has to be a method for information to be presented. We need a way to be noticed. If someone notices us, then they can gather facts together in order to fully understand who we are and what our message is. 

This is all my responsibility as The Director. Your individualized energy will stand out and be showcased. The world will see that there is a group of people with a visible marker that clearly delineates them and causes them to stand out.

This is why I’ve compared the revelation of our existence to an opening night of a performance. This is about revelation. The message is “We are you. You are looking at yourSelf. It is time to discover who you really are.”

It will be an opportunity to reexamine things long denied, things that have been swept under the rug. Christ will not be ignored any longer. There has not been a finite point when people have stopped their inaccurate perception of Christ being ‘other than’ or something that is a figment of overactive imaginations.

The showing of Christ will allow those who will admit it to know that they are Christ too. If it takes a production number, so be it.

The Director

End Time: 7:23 am