
Message 41

Image: Jeff Jacobs, Pixabay

Monday, November 30, 2020   7:13 pm

Dear Brethren,

It is I, the one known as Jesus. Continuing our discussion from the past two days about seeing endings as new beginnings, life provides subtle clues and inspiration more often than imposed change. This is where each of you come in. You are creators now in your own right. You co-create by responding to loving inspiration. 

Here is a question for you, how has A Journey into the Unknown inspired you? Which installments or chapters gave you food for thought? Which ones inspired you in a new way? Which ones were neither here nor there for you? Which ones pushed your buttons and made you judge what you read with harshness? I tell you now that these were probably the ones that have the most value. Why did they upset you so much? As you know, you are never mad for the reasons you think. Did you delve in and find out the content of the anger?

This book is jam packed with content because everything is being revealed now. A reader can pick and choose and find fuel for their own creativity. What did it inspire you to do now that most of it has been released? Sharing what you know is emphasized in the early parts of the book.

Now is the time to search your heart and see if sharing pleases your soul and fills it with joy. Journey is not dogma. It is completely open ended. It doesn’t need to be read more than once, unless you want to revisit favorite parts.

So, tell me, what do you feel inspired to do? What will be your new beginning?

Love, your brother in Christ, Jesus

End time: 7:34 pm