
Message 45

Image: Foundation for Inner Peace

Friday, December 4, 2020   5:08 am

Dear Brethren,

Hello everyone. It is Helen. We are in the Christmas season, where we celebrate not only Jesus’ birth but all of our births into form, because we are all Christ, the children of the divine, the source of all.

Each life is an opportunity for an individualized soul to grow and mature to a point where it controls the form and uses it as its clay, its expression. This is why we came and continue to do so. Life on earth is one opportunity after another to reflect peace, joy and God.

It doesn’t matter if you look at a newborn baby as an example or a troubled teen or a struggling single parent or a senior with health and financial issues, Christ is in everyone, without exception.

Miracles referred to this as the Holy Spirit. Journey referred to it as the soul. This is what we celebrate during the Christmas season.

This is my Christmas card to each of you. As you may know, I did not send many when I was in form. Writing down Miracles helped me to broaden my thinking about what Christ is and what Christmas is really about, underneath the trappings of the season.

We can see Christmas beneath the trappings and we can see each other beneath the trappings too.

With infinite love & wisdom, Helen

End time: 5:31 am