
Message 55

Image: Jeff Jacobs, Pixabay

Sunday, December 13, 2020   1:40 pm

Dear Brethren,

It is I, the one known as Jesus. A Journey into the Unknown could not have happened without this scribe’s willingness to humor us by getting up at 2:00 am, writing 2-3 chapters a day and making this the center of his life. He did not know what the book was going to be about or whether the chapters would make any sense at all. He didn’t know when the receiving would stop or when it would start again. He didn’t know what he would do with it when complete. After 100 chapters, he wasn’t sure if there would be more chapters or not. When all 190 chapters were received, he didn’t yet know about what turned into daily messages for Journey pioneers, who were willing to buck popular opinion by taking a risk on this material.

So, now he finally knows why we ignored his request to leave his body a few years back. We knew what was in store for him and we know what is in store for each of you. This journey is all about knowing nothing and discovering everything.

Thank you each,

Love, Jesus

End Time: 1:56 pm