Mother Mary

Message 76

Image: The Holy Grail, Autumn Skye Art

Thursday, December 31, 2020   9:00 am

Dear Brethren,

It is I, the one known as Mother Mary. Let us commune. We all have our journeys to successfully complete. We complete them in both realms, the physical and the spiritual. Part of my own journey is being witness to the widespread repression of the truth, of love and freedom. I saw the fear with my own eyes when Jesus spoke the simple truth. 

From this side of the veil, I saw this same fear of love deepen and widen. The teachings became so convoluted that they were hardly recognizable at all. There were all of these good hearted people who had become followers and devotees of a group of man made thoughts, not divine truth. 

I ask you this dear ones, is being a follower of anything love? Is it freeing or enslaving? This is always the question to ask about absolutely everything.

So, witnessing what transpired after my departure was very difficult and disheartening for me. I have spoken about the loss that I felt. Let me explain this in a deeper and more meaningful way. I could not communicate with my own children, my own sisters and brothers. The channels were closed. Some of them prayed to me. I heard these prayers but I knew that there wasn’t a real exchange, a back and forth dialog among equals, a real understanding of who and what I was. I had become an idealized idol. I wasn’t seen in my truth, in our shared truth, but I had to meet people where they were. This continued for millennia.

Until tomorrow, my loves.

Mother Mary, your sister in Christ

End Time: 9:19 am