Mother Mary

Message 77

Image: The Holy Grail, Autumn Skye Art

Friday, January 1, 2020   

Dear Brethren,

It is I, Mother Mary. Let us greet the new year of 2021 with a collective smile. We will usher in a wave of love like never before. Fear has no power over us.

Let us pray.

Dear God, know that all mature souls on the earth at this time are ready and willing to serve your loving guidance. We will bless everyone in our path and will say and do the perfect thing to help another soul to blossom and flower.


I have seen the many beautiful photographs in your homes. I know that you yourselves are in many of them. They are snapshots in time, reflections of who you were in that moment, on that particular day. That’s all they are, small memories. You are each a mighty and magnificent presence, not an image. Just as I am not an image, but presence.

When people get past images and get to know the real me and the real you, they have tapped into the presence of God through differentiation and individualization. This is where heart to heart union and relationship is born.

Until tomorrow, my loves.

Mother Mary, your sister in Christ

End time: 9:21 am