Mother Mary

Message 80

Image: The Holy Grail, Autumn Skye Art

Monday, January 4, 2021   8:13 am

Dear Brethren,

Good day to each of you, my loves. It is I, Mother Mary. I have an assignment for those with an open mind and an open heart. 

Before you start each day, spend time in communion with us. Fill yourself with light and set this intention: today I will serve love in whatever manner, thought or deed, that the call for love takes. 

The perfect opportunities will present themselves to you for your magical blessing and response, if needed. If you will each make this your top priority, then the manifestation of the new earth will be that much closer.

Bless you each for your attention and willingness to serve.

With divine love, 

Mother Mary, your sister in Christ

End Time: 8:24 am