
Message 79

Image: Jeff Jacobs, Pixabay

Sunday, January 3, 2021   9:03 am

Dear Brethren,

It is I, the one known as Jesus. Today is Sunday, the first one of the new year. May I suggest a return to the holy celebration of a weekly Sabbath. May today be a time to disconnect from devices and reconnect with your own soul, through stillness, meditative thought, the cessation of the chattering brain and union with the seen and unseen aspects of God.

Allow each Sabbath to unfold as it may but consciously set limits on how involved you will be in this unfolding. A Sabbath can be on any day of the week. Many celebrate it on Saturday. The name of the day does not matter in the slightest. What matters is a collective return to honoring our own souls, in concert with all that is God, on a weekly basis.

Make your Sabbath a celebration of how far you have come by making time for stillness and the recharging that it is sure to bring.

Blessed be.

With a love that is greater than anything in the physical world, Jesus, your brother in Christ

End Time: 9:17 am