
Messages 202

Image: Jeff Jacobs, Pixabay

Thursday, March 25, 2021   7:00 am

Good day to you each. It is I, the one known as Jesus. While at the office, stay connected to us through prayer, through a feeling of connectedness, through a feeling of being charged up, like a cell phone being plugged into a wall socket. This is commonly known as a transmission.

You can each receive a transmission at any time or throughout your tour of duty. There’s no risk of receiving too much energy. Through regular transmissions, or charging sessions, you will have plenty of positive energy for today and for a backup reserve, as well.

Energy transmissions also help us at the Help Desk by allowing us to provide inspiration for ways love can be expressed through you. You are love beings but don’t forget to provide time to nourish your own soul through transmissions, meditation or by reading/listening to inspired and inspiring material.

Bless you each,

End Time: 7:15 am