St. Germain (Joseph), The Alliance

The Alliance (into Oneness) 19

Image: Terra Nova

Sunday, August 22, 2021   6:31 am 

Living a life of unity takes time. Think of how many years and decades that you weren’t aware of unity. It wasn’t in your consciousness; therefore, you couldn’t experience it. This is part of the illusion concept so often talked about in our circles. Each of you is no longer living a life of illusion. Christ lives a life of truth. Christ sees clearly. 

Yes, you can still slip back into the old way but each of you always snaps out of it fairly quickly now. You are learning a new way of being and it takes time. Like Jesus pointed out, you can drive a car and think you’re choosing to go east. This is what life is like for virtually everyone, every time they come here. 

Christ lets life be in the driver’s seat, so to speak. Christ goes where he or she feels called to go when he or she feels called to go there. It’s so much easier, Christ offices. I’m preaching to the choir. 

Here is our affirmation for this week. 

‘I Am experiencing unity, not separation.’

St. Germain

End Time: 6: 48 am