
Message 133

Image: Jeff Jacobs, Pixabay

Monday, February 15, 2021   8:40 am

You may ask about the existence of chairs in the non-physical world. Our ethereal bodies do not have any weight here. Things like chairs and buildings don’t either but they give us a sense of structure and familiarity. Those of us who have materialized like having them in our environments, so we create them.

Now, the man you see on the right appears as a shadow from this vantage point. We can also see his light, his soul, because it never really left us. It is connected to all of our souls. However, during his human lifetime or point of focus, it’s as if he’s been in suspended animation, or frozen in time. This is why Mother Mary told you that she missed you while you were away.

So, we see his light and his shadow from here. It’s the same with the man standing next to him on the left. Both men are characters in human dramas, animated by their true Selves, aspects of God.

Neither of these men or characters has any inkling about their true identity. They both took their roles and ran with them in the opposite direction of love.

We would say that they both got lost in the illusion. Nothing or very little of what they believe is actually true and their behavior and words confirm this.

We are always trying to get their attention, to get them to listen to love’s point of view and it has resulted in minimal success.

The man on the right is considered influential because he is famous, so his attitudes and behavior have a fearful impact on others. Fear may as well be cement because that’s what it does. It locks in place. It is certainly not more powerful than love but it succeeds in temporarily slowing soul growth.

Souls grow even under the most extreme conditions, even if it is in minute ways. When these two return to us fully, we will pat them each on the back and give them a hug because they both had a difficult time of it.

Next up, a visit into the recent past.

Until tomorrow,
Jesus, your brother in Christ

End Time: 9:10 am