
Message 134

Image: Jeff Jacobs, Pixabay

Tuesday, February 16, 2021   9:09 am

I see you turning around. You want to know what it’s like here. I will explain everything and will satisfy your curiosity, all in good time.

For now, let’s look straight ahead and see what the Christ Mind will show us next.

You will see a little girl in pigtails, wearing a pink dress. Other children are with her. They are at a performance of some type, a talent show. The little girl that we are focusing on can really sing! She has an absolutely beautiful voice that you can’t believe is emanating from her small body. It is big and powerful.

This girl is enjoying life and has big plans for the future. Her soul is having a pretty easy time using the character to demonstrate love through. There are no major obstacles at this time. Her family is supportive and everyone is excited to be around this gifted child.

Tomorrow you will meet her and hear what happened next that made exhibiting love quite difficult, to say the least.

Many readers are wondering who I was referring to in yesterday’s example. Here’s a question for you. Have you ever run as far away from love as you could get? This is my point, my friends. I want you to see yourselves in the examples I give. There’s a little bit of everyone and everything in each of you.

Enjoy your day and we will visit with each other again tomorrow.

Love and joy,

End Time: 9:26 am