
Message 31

Image: Foundation for Inner Peace

Saturday, November 21, 2020   7:47 pm

Dear Brethren,

It is Helen. I send my love and greetings. I understand how surprised and startled some of you were when Rick sent the previous message. It is surprising to hear from those who have “died”. None of us really die. We just change form. In my case, I left my body and became formless, although I can make my astral body visible when the need or desire arises. This is the hardest part of being human. We miss those who have left and would give anything to hear from them again.

So, here I am amongst you, wanting to share some of my experiences with you, in ways you can relate to. Writing A Course in Miracles was a strange experience, namely because I didn’t understand why I was chosen to write it down. What did it mean? What were you supposed to do with it? These questions were always going on in the back of my mind.

We stuck with it but even when it was finished, I wasn’t at all sure what the whole thing was for. What will people do with it? How will it help them? Forgiveness is a major theme in the book but practicing it is quite difficult. How you think of yourselves now, as spirit beings with a body, is clearly stated in Miracles but it would take a long time for this concept to sink in and be practiced. They didn’t seem like baby steps because it all seemed so incomprehensible, but looking back, forgiveness and the freedom it provides were baby steps toward a complete identity change, which all of you are examples of.

This progression of the teachings and its effect on human evolution has all been remarkable to watch. I’m very glad to have had a role in getting the ball rolling.

Much love, Helen

End time: 8:14 pm