
Message 33

Image: Foundation for Inner Peace

Sunday, November 22, 2020   7:20 pm

Dear Brethren,

Hello all. It is Helen. Much has been said about the way that channeled writings sound when read. The short answer is that spirit beings, who do not have  vocal cords in their ethereal bodies, use the filter of the body/mind vehicle that is being used to receive a message. A Course in Miracles “sounded” the way it did because it was being filtered through a person in the world of academia. If I was still in form, I could channel a piece of writing and it would sound like Miracles. No one else could create that same sense of seriousness. Jesus channels through others and it doesn’t sound like Miracles, but it is still Jesus, using a specially selected filter to create what is needed for that time. No two receivers receive the same way. It’s a very unique process, which I’ve found out more about since I’ve been back home in the spirit realm. If readers of Miracles expect Jesus to always sound the way he did in that book, they will be sorely disappointed to discover how much they have missed out on in other channeled writings. Each receiver gives a spiritual being a particular flavor.

This now having been explained, it is the message that is to be received, not the form. Jesus and all spirit beings involved in projects where they communicate directly with humans for further dissemination, all teach about love and truth. This is how a reader knows. This said, not all books are for all people. A book may not be for someone now but may be in 5-10 years. The adage to not judge is still good advice.

Don’t forget that Miracles was judged very harshly when it came out. People said, “Jesus wrote a book?” I wanted to bury my head in the sand.

More later my sisters and brothers, 

Love Helen

End time: 7:47 pm