Martin (Luther King Jr.), Revelations

Beyond the Veil: Revelations 28

Image: (AP)

Saturday, May 29, 2021   5:33 am

Hi. I’m Martin. Coretta promised that I would be here and here I Am. She revealed a little secret, which is that we were both on a mission. We wanted to shake things up because they needed to be shaken up. The big picture concept of all souls being able to come here and turn into creators themselves, could not and can not happen unless there is a culture of love and support for one another.

If the culture is based in judgement and fear, then we are just spinning our wheels and frankly, wasting our time. Soul evolution can’t happen when we spend so much time and energy preventing it from happening. Can I get an amen? Once a preacher, always a preacher.

At the Christ level, it is very important that you each see what is going on in society and understand why it is happening. A Christed life, a spiritual life can not be separated from the physical. A physical life is a spiritual life, whether someone knows or accepts this or not. All paths lead to the light.

Let’s move away from the idea that life here is one big, meaningless illusion. There is meaning and purpose in human life, all human life.

What can you do? Continue to bless and do, brothers and sisters. Continue to bless and do.

With great and powerful love,
Your brother in Christ,
Martin (Luther King Jr.)

End Time: 5:51 am