Revelations, Sylvia

Beyond the Veil: Revelations 31

Sylvia, Image:

Monday, May 31, 2021    6:18 pm

Hey dolls. This is Sylvia Rivera. Marsha and I led parallel lives. We were good friends until we lost her to Aids.

My message is that the human race is a great big tropical fish aquarium. Everyone is so unique from one another. Its not like the religious people who have you believe that there are only two kinds of people in the world, male and female, and only one sexual orientation, straight, and only one expression, cis-gender. There are lots of ways to express oneself in the world and all ways lead to God in the end.

God didn’t make any of the rules about being male or female. Religious men did and they lied and said that these rules came from God, which wasn’t true, isn’t true, and never will be true. It was just another way to control through fear.

Fear hurts the one who projects it as much as it does the one who it is directed at.

Child, God wants all of us to express ourselves, without fear and without shame, just like Madonna sang in her song, ’Express Yourself’. Express, don’t repress. It isn’t good for you.

They say that Marsha and I may be getting U.S. stamps and now, here we are as part of this new guidebook of and for truth, everyone’s truth. We all count. Transgendered, gay, straight, whatever, we all count. We are all part of God. No one will be left behind.


End time: 6:36 pm