Mary Magdalene, Revelations

Beyond the Veil: Revelations 36

Mary Magdalene, Image:

Thursday, June 3, 2021    4:15 am

Mary Magdalene: Part One of Three

I am not Mary Magdalene now. I Am playing a different character and have played many characters since Mary. However, she will forever be an important part of who I Am. She is part of the fabric of the OneSelf. She is as much you as she is me.

She was reviled. She was questioned. She was evaluated. She was stamped as unworthy. She was seen as not good enough. She was immoral. She was impure. She didn’t meet the seal of approval by those who thought it was their job to grant such a stamp of merit.

No, Mary did not receive love and adoration from the outside but somehow this lack of external love only strengthened her internal reserves. She embodied peace. Her love only grew in the face of rejection.

There are many Mary Magdalene’s in the world. There always have been. There are at least some who are reading this now. I had the privilege of being the bearer of the torch, the carrier of the branded name, the queen mother of the tormented, the damned.

And yet, we who are from the Mary Magdalene mindset are a tribe of one, a divine subset of those who cannot truly be cast away at the side of the road. We’ve learned to deflect the harsh words, the hard objects thrown at us, the icy glares. We’ve been spat upon and labelled as human garbage.

And yet, we rise. We live to see another day. We live to honor the Divine Feminine because it is She that they wish to destroy. They see Her in us. They see Her in themselves and yet it cannot be extinguished. It can only remain steadfast in its determination to simply be.

In Power,
Mary Magdalene, an aspect of the Divine Feminine.

End time: 5:08 pm