Sunday, April 18, 2021 6:35 am
Blessed Ones. Let us join hands and merge our light bodies as One. Christ has returned to the earth and is in the many. Christ can be found in every major city, every small town and in every country. We have staked our claim and now seek dominion, influence over every matter, both large and small. Love has regained its voice. Love will speak through each of you during every minute of every waking hour. It may ask for provision or it may work silently. The ways of Christ are mysterious to mankind but as mankind transitions to Christkind, the ways will become known to all. God is here, my friends. God is here.
Let us pray.
‘Rejoice! Rejoice! Our tears of joy are responses to where we find ourselves. We serve God by being part of God, by allowing God to consume our every thought and action. We are the Christ, God in the many. For this knowledge and for this golden opportunity, we express gratitude and awe.
Blessed Be.‘
As you each prepare for the week ahead, approach all things with a sense of ease. Serving God by being Christ is joyful and effortless.
Until next Sunday.
With a great and magnificent love,
End Time: 6:56 am